Monday, May 3
Warning Technical bits
Just in case you are blind the site has been re-done. the CSS have been replaced with easier to handle tables. They render slower but they are simpler to modify. What do you readers / users think?
# posted by Matt the Hat at Monday, May 03, 2004
ALL ABOUT EVE release single
The news on the web today is that All About Eve are at it again.
Opinions are divided as to if they are any good any more. Sources that I have spoken too are divided as to the point of departure but generally it is held to be within the first three albums.
Feel free to disagree And even post to the contrary member dudes
# posted by Matt the Hat at Monday, May 03, 2004
Nothing New to Say!
Google has nothing new to say on Goth. The websites spew the same stuff over and over:
Question: IS GOTH DEAD?
# posted by Matt the Hat at Monday, May 03, 2004
The Spoof - Study: 4% Of Cell Phone Users Actually Speaking To Someone At Other End
The Spoof - Study: 4% Of Cell Phone Users Actually Speaking To Someone At Other End: "Along these lines, researchers found that over 58% of those surveyed used their cell phones as 'props' through which to broadcast falsely to passersby that they held interesting, highly remunerative jobs, owned extraordinarily expensive consumer goods, or were on a first-name basis with celebrities.
Levels of misleading or outrightly fraudulent cell phone conversation were found to be highest among suburban soccer moms, 'goth' teens, balding men with ponytails, and persons who characterized themselves as 'working on a screenplay.'"
Duh! [The story as represented above is written as a satire or parody. It is fictitious.]
# posted by Matt the Hat at Monday, May 03, 2004