Saturday, May 22
Kansas City Star | 05/22/2004 | Blue Springs returns much of Goth grant
"Officials returned $132,000 of the money because the Goth situation was overstated in the beginning, Blue Springs Police Chief Wayne McCoy said Friday.
Community forums on Goth culture were never held because of a lack of interest, and no youth received treatment for Goth behavior. Both were provisions of the grant."
"On Friday, Charlie Broomfield, a Democratic challenger to Graves for the 6th District congressional seat, issued a statement saying that Graves wasted money to fight a 'phantom problem.'"
# posted by Matt the Hat at Saturday, May 22, 2004
Thursday, May 20
U-Redlands Daily Facts - Reviews
"Those goofy goth kids we all knew in school - y'know, the ones that 'Saturday Night Live' was parodying about a decade ago? - get their own adoring movie in 'Gypsy 83.'
This long-on-the-shelf indie (it's still got a shot of the World Trade Center towers) is essentially a compendium of stereotypical costumes and behavior designed to make flamboyant gay guys and fantasy-addled misfit chicks feel good about themselves. Interest outside of those core audience groups will be difficult to generate."
What is this shite?
# posted by Matt the Hat at Thursday, May 20, 2004
Sunday, May 16
Indiana Printing & Publishing Co.
"I want to take over the world" So sayth the genius goth.
# posted by Matt the Hat at Sunday, May 16, 2004
The Care Bear Stare vs. adult goths
"OK, I'll be honest here: I don't think I know any goths. Maybe they don't sulk. Maybe they don't ride buses, either. Maybe they travel everywhere in little space-bubbles that move almost at the speed of light. Who's to say?"
If this makes you feel nice and fuzzy then fear (no not "fear not" - this is the oposite of that: fear!). This is a scary Trendy culture mockery of a "counter culture" and while amusing also unfunny.
"We are the people who prepare your food, do not f*** with us"
# posted by Matt the Hat at Sunday, May 16, 2004