Saturday, November 11
You have probably guessed that this blog has died a death. This is a sad fact of blogging - it happens. Once this blog was great but it is great no more. I hope, however to revive the goth theme at buzz42. This post therefor is to point you to Buzz42 and to give a little link love to it.
Blogs at Buzz 42:
You may also be interested in the Buzz 42 Community
# posted by Matt the Hat at Saturday, November 11, 2006

Sunday, February 26
I give you - a new gateway to me...
Greatings dark ones.
It is I the less than black but not grey one.
This post is just a quicky to give you a new gateway: here it is... this gateway is the tag cloud of my personal blog project The Fantastic Site of Lord Matt which, while having much which is white and bright, has more goth related stuff in it than this is getting just currently.
# posted by Matt the Hat at Sunday, February 26, 2006

Saturday, January 7
Lord Matt on News and Views
Lord Matt on News and Views: "She gleefully discribes how she took advantage of friends and niegbours abusing their good intentions hoping that (somehow) the after though use of the word 'guiltily' would cause even a retarded monkey to believe her for longer than a second."
# posted by Matt the Hat at Saturday, January 07, 2006

Tuesday, October 18
Why is the web crap this week?
There is a total and utter lack of anything even slightly worthwhile to say at the moment and this is due almost entirly to lack of anything interesting to say it about
Yeah, I mean "big shock" next winter we may all die of bird flu (I'm sure that there is a pun there) but like so what. I'm kinda looking forward to it in case it rubbs out some people I feel have it coming anyway... of course you know thaat by hoping this it is no much less likely to happen... or maybe this will be the one time it does... will I feel bad or pleased if it does?
Now there is a question - we all know if some-one we love,like or admire died of bird flu' we would be upset. But what if some-one we really dislike died, some-one we hated and hoped would die. Would you find yourself feeling guilty for wishing they were dead or would you smilie and make a crass joke about it before forgetting they ever existed?
I know that right now I think I'd laugh and be pleased but when it happens when that person or persons that I feel deserve a massive slapping bit the big one will I feel guilt?
I say "no" but that doesn't make it any more true...
It's a doozy of a question.
# posted by Matt the Hat at Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Saturday, September 24
BlogShares - Dark Reign in the Reptile House
BlogShares - Dark Reign in the Reptile House: "B$1,088.19"
Apparently we have "market value"!
# posted by Matt the Hat at Saturday, September 24, 2005

Thursday, September 22
£3 Million but only if your not white.
Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (ODPM) - Creating Sustainable Communities: "A �3 million Ethnic Minorities Innovation Fund (EMIF) has been announced by Housing Minister Yvette Cooper. The EMIF will help local authorities develop innovative projects that will reduce levels of homelessness within ethnic minority groups."
# posted by Matt the Hat at Thursday, September 22, 2005

Sunday, September 18
Ooooh update.
Do you like our new look?
# posted by Matt the Hat at Sunday, September 18, 2005

Thursday, August 18
Goth by Lord MAtt
I thought I would share with you a new work in progress on the subject of goth
goth [DokuWiki]: "Goth is a modern subculture that first became popular during the early 1980s within the gothic rock scene, a sub-genre of post punk. It is associated with gothic tastes in music and clothing. Styles of dress range from gothic horror, punk, Victorian, fetish, cybergoth, androgyny, and/or lots of black. However, there is no dress code for goths. (See: Dress Code Goth for a quick contradiction)"
# posted by Matt the Hat at Thursday, August 18, 2005

Thursday, July 28
Voices of Masada announce their Tour of the US in the Autumn.
Dates so far are:
14th September - Radio Radio, Indianapolis, IN (+afterparty)
15th September - (Venue TBC) Chicago, IL
16th September - Garfield Gallery, Pittsburgh , PA
17th September - TBC Toronto
19th September - Alchemy, CBGB's Gallery, New York, NYC
20th September - Schadenfreude, Chief Ike's, Washington, DC
# posted by Matt the Hat at Thursday, July 28, 2005