Sunday, June 27
Post number 50
According to all indicators this is the 50th posted entry for the Blog!
So with that in mind what better time than to re-iterate the aims of this blog.
Yes it is for Goth's and those affiliated areas of the alternative scene.
No it is not fair and impartial it is heavily biased to the opinions of the members who are free to express those opinions without censure.
No it is not going to appeal to everyone
Know there is nothing you can do to change the contents of these posts. This is for Goths, Punks and associated weirdos to express themselves openly. To say what is on their mind and to share their opinion.
If you do not care for the opinions stated here that then so what!? We will not let you flame the site; you can not fine us, sue us or remove us.
If you wish to answer back, disagree or endorse our views you may do so with the comment box. If we don't like your comment we shall delete it.
The internet is a place of total freedom of speech and that freedom works both for you and against you.
This means that you cannot stop us blogging about you and we cannot stop you blogging about us. If you feel so enraged that you need to rant then I understand that rant space (your own account) is totally free. In fact unless you are totally spineless and can only leave anon messages I will even show you tools that will help you. For example the Link-Back / Track-Back link on every post means that you can virtually force a link to your rant, comment or other posting about our postings.
Now that the aims and objectives are clearly laid out again let us laugh and be merry for tomorrow we might read about ourselves.
This is the sound of the sane!
# posted by Matt the Hat at Sunday, June 27, 2004