After much talk and a long wait Voices of Masada (VoM) finally played a Kent gig.
Aside from one rather unwell individual all known VoM fans in Kent were in attendance (so-called "Kent-Crew" is simply a loose grouping that is easily identifiable as being "the one's from Kent"). That's not really saying much as almost all Kent Fans of VoM, until last night were friends of the band.
The Event took place in the much mentioned and oddly undocumented "Velvet Crypt" which, it transpires, is an event put on by Raven Promotions.
Supporting Voices were Rome Burns (a band well known for being down to earth people that are actually quite likable). It's not the first time the Rome Burns have played a set with Voices of Masada and they were on good form although the sound mix was not.
To be honest the sound mix was a bodge and the word was the guy on sound was a stand in. It did not make for good listening but one purchased CD later and I was sure that they were actually a good band after all.
Voices of Masada were sporting a new CD (a full album this time) and new rumours that they might even produce a t-shirt before all of Eddies hair falls out with all that bleaching.
The surprise of the night was that Eddie played the gig at all. It transpires that he had smashed his collar bone in a typically Eddie fashion as was now suffering for it.
We had expected Eddie to sit on a chair or other perch and take it easy but the famous Eddie Ego won out and the last word was he was regretting it somewhat.
It certainly wouldn't have been the same without his blondness playing live with the band and it was to his credit that he even attempted to play.
While the mix was not perfect for Voices it was a hell of a lot better than the mix that RBs got and the usual ministrations of three very fussy musicians meant that even a dead monkey would have had a hard time making them sound crap.
Ray worked the crowd well and danced the razor bladed edge that is engaging with a group of hecklers. The night ran well and at 1am when the venue closed there was still a reasonable number of goths about which given the under par turn out indicates to me that D the door dude was right when he said it was the Hard-Core goth backbone that turned up.
If that is the case then Kent can look forward to VoM packing goth venues on a regular bases for as long as the band stays together.
Over the coming days expect gig photos and reviews as well as other VoM/RB stuff here.
Badly trained monkeys who wish to obtain a copy of these photos should click the link for the full sized image and then right click and select "save as" or "Save Image" or "Save Picture" or whatever you system uses.