For those of you who have living under a rock for like the last year here is the Voices of Masada big update: Eddy has quit the band!
Yeah! I know! Tell me about it.... I went up to see them play along with Devilish Presly at "on the rocks" in some arse part of London.
The guitar parts have had to be rearranged so the tinckly bits are now taken by the mighty skill of Rob while the easy bits are left to the backing track. Not exactly the recipie for an amazing gig you might think but you'd be wrong.
I had placed myself at the sweet spot - centered between the main speaker stacks and just far enough back to get the full impact. It was BLOODY amazing!
t'was so good infact that I might have to say it was the best gig I have EVER been to. It totally ruled. There was a poundingly good bass solo and with Rob well and truely god of the guitar section I noticed that they have some increadable solo's written for one or two of the songs.
How the hell has bad sound guys and lesser stadiums conspired to hide those gems all this time?
A-ha! you thought I was going to blame the recently departed member but that'd be silly. not only have they created new arrangments for the older stuff but they seem to have nuckeled down to being very cool.
Someone found the gage marked "Frickin' X-elent" and turned it all the way up to 11.
Perfect Gig... untill disaster struck.
Broken string!
Like, "woah!", or sumit as it was not the guitar that failed but the bloddy bass!! Can you believe that shite-luck? Bassist breaks string - unheard of. Those strings are, like, as thick as very very thin elivator cable