Sunday, July 25
He who has taken the devoted things shall be destroyed by fire
What the Reptile House had become was totally amoral. It was a poor representation, a total canker and an insult to everything it stood for: Goth, Freedom, Art and even God himself. Bible verses were used like so much other ammunition and now it is gone - burned in the all consuming fire of destruction.
Destroy from among you that which is devoted to destruction
This is a new chapter for the reptile house. It has been purged of the feted, putrefying flesh that has so damaged it's soul in recent months. That which offended and drove away both member and reader alike.
"I don't have any insults to hurl, I was just visiting..." --Comment
All I have done as editor is serve the to feed the same monster that the other partakers have and in doing so we have all shamed ourselves. We have all shown ourselves baseless, weak, immoral, cowedly and pathetic. A shame to our culture and to our country. We are all losers. None are innocent.
What have I leaned as editor of this mess? What new direction will we take? Other than all who have parteken in this death on every blog, in every forum is base worthless and nothing.
Thou shalt not troll.
Trolls shall be ignored for as long as they have to.
No debate shall be entered into.
Blog war is off limits.
The power of delete shall be used...
and the six and final rule one post at a time fellas.
This blog has been redeamed in blood and fire purged in a mighty and rathfull deleting of blogs. Edited heavily and born renewed into this dark world to do what it was originally commisioned to do - examine the world of goth. To do it with style, verve, insighted and above all humer.
There will be people who slate us and try to take us down the path of unrighteouse word slinging but this will only hurt our fans. Heaven (and possibly hell) only knows how many or few fans still read the Atom feed or visit the site but hopefully we can rebuild what the canker worm has eaten.
A new reign has began in the Reptile house and it is illuminated by FIRE!
# posted by Matt the Hat at Sunday, July 25, 2004